Welcome to the Paelur System!
Afybia is a planet largely made of water, with its people living on the small solid core. The amphibious native Afybians have isolated themselves from the rest of the system out of fear, and have not had off-world contact in centuries. They are currently in the early stages of an industrial revolution.
Ascenron is a planet entirely covered in thick clouds, and many of the layers are dense enough to support structures in the low gravity. The bird-like native Ascenrens boast a modern society and thriving trade economy, making up a large percentage of the system’s transport ship pilots.
Eritia is an abandoned planet, ruined and tossed aside by its native Shadorins. It was once a planet of lush forests and greenery, but is now a barren and polluted wasteland. The occasional intrepid adventurer will attempt to settle on the planet, only to quickly abandon their pipe dream.
Flarenci is a hot planet with many volcanic mountain ranges. The cat-like native Flarencins are descended from a warrior society and supply the majority of building materials and minerals to the rest of the system. They also host the interplanetary treasuries, guarded by remaining warrior sects.
Psychid is a dead planet, completely frozen over after it was abandoned by its native Psychorids. When its temperature was balanced, it was a thriving metropolitan hub, but is now completely deserted. Between the lack of any consumable resources and the subfreezing climate, the planet is entirely uninhabitable.
Shadscor is a planet covered with sprawling cityscapes and bustling civilization. The planet’s native Daegna have been replaced with the Shadorins and Psychorids as they fled their dying worlds. Once a peaceful planet rife with philosophers, it is now the center of all commerce for the system and speaks not of its violent past.