The small upstart terrorist group Nightlight has been gaining notoriety throughout the Paelur System. After a surprise attack on the isolated planet of Afybia, an even smaller group of unwarrantedly confident friends decide to put an end to this. ‘NightSpace’ is an epic sci-fi fantasy adventure that follows these underdogs as they gather unlikely allies, refuse to acknowledge how highly the odds are stacked against them, and realize the truth of the situation might not be what they thought.
The comic is free to read in its original full page format on this home site, and is cross-posted to Webtoons in a suitably site-friendly format. Both update regularly, but the home site is ahead of Webtoons pages in the story. The comic updates twice weekly, on Mondays and Thursdays, typically in the morning for eastern USA time. The intended audience is older teens and up, and the story contains swearing, mild violence, and sexual innuendo as well as references to off-screen sexual content.
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